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Does Aurora, Colorado Require a License for Sports Massage Therapists?

Sep 8

If you're an athlete looking for a sports massage therapist in Aurora, Colorado, you might be asking whether the therapist needs to be licensed. Since Colorado does not have any particular statewide licensing requirements for massage therapists, the answer to this issue is a little complex. This does not imply that anyone can open a massage business without any formal training, as many counties and towns have broad licensing standards that a therapist must adhere to. Then what does that imply? Let's look at Aurora, Colorado's requirements for sports massage certification.

How Does One Become an Aurora County Licensed Sports Massage Therapist?

To become a certified sports massage therapist in Aurora, Co, there are a few different requirements you must meet. The first is to finish a massage therapy program that has been accredited. Depending on the program you select, these programs might consist of 300 to 1,000 hours of classroom instruction and hands-on training. However, Colorado requires that licensure candidates complete a minimum of 500 hours in a recognized massage therapy curriculum.

After completing a massage therapy program, you must pass the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination to become licensed (MBLEX). This is a national exam that determines your competence in the subject of massage therapy by testing your knowledge of it. While not compulsory in many states, it is still a good idea to take the MBLEX because it will provide you an advantage when applying for jobs.

You must apply for a license from the county or city where you intend to practice after completing your schooling and passing the MBLEX. It is crucial to check with your local government to find out what is necessary because licensing requirements vary by state or locality.

However, generally speaking, you will have to fill out an application, pay a fee, and present documentation proving you passed the MBLEX as well as a recognized massage therapy program.

You must include fingerprint cards with your massage therapy licensing application in Aurora, Colorado. These cards will be used to carry out the background investigation that the city mandates.

Once you have met all of the requirements and been licensed, then a person can legally operate as a sports massage therapist in Aurora, CO!

What Are Your Options for Choosing the Best Sports Massage Therapist in Aurora CO?

It's crucial to take your own requirements into account when searching for the top sports massage therapist in Aurora Co. Finding a sports massage therapist that can meet your unique needs is important because everyone has various aims when doing so. When looking for the top sports massage therapist in Aurora, Colorado, bear the following things in mind:

What kind of sports massage therapy you want is the first thing to think about. There are numerous kind of sports massage, so you must choose a practitioner who provides the particular kind of massage you're seeking.

It's crucial to take the sports massage therapist's experience into account. To be sure that they will be able to effectively handle your unique needs, you should look for a therapist with a lot of experience working with athletes.

The sports massage therapist's location is an additional crucial consideration to take into account. To make it simple for you to go to your appointments, you should look for a therapist that is close to where you live. When looking for a therapist, you should also take the cost of sports massage therapy into account.

Sports massage therapy can be expensive, so you want to choose a therapist who charges a fair fee for their services. Obtaining quotations from many therapists and comparing their costs is the best approach to determine a reasonable pricing.

The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork certification is the last thing you want to make sure a sports massage therapist has (NCBTMB). The therapist is qualified to offer high-quality services because of this certification, which demonstrates that they have met high standards in the field of massage therapy.

These are just a few things to have in mind as you look for the most qualified sports massage therapist in Aurora, Colorado, to meet your demands. You can be sure that the therapist you choose will fulfill your unique goals and needs by taking into account these variables.


While there are many various kinds of massage therapists, only those who are authorized to work as sports massage therapists by the state where they are employed are able to do so lawfully. In Aurora, Colorado, a person who has the right training and credentials can operate as a sports massage therapist.

You can start your search for the ideal therapist for your needs now that you are aware of what is necessary to operate as a sports massage therapist in Aurora, Colorado. You can be certain that a possible therapist is qualified to offer high-quality treatments once you have viewed their license, credentials, and certificates. Then you can schedule a session to benefit from sports massage therapy for yourself.

Knowing that you massage therapist is certified by a national governing body can help you have the assurance that they're fit to do the services that they're offering. If you want to check out more things about Aurora CO's licensing requirements, you can check out this post: